Element: Water
Color: Orange
Sensation: Feeling and Taste
Location: 4 fingers under navel between belly button and genitals
Organs: Reproductive Organs, uterus, womb, testes
Mantra: Vam
Svadhishthana is the 2nd energy center along the spine, and in Sanskrit translates to "dwelling place of self".
The sacral chakra is located two inches below the navel and is most closely connected with sex, emotion, and creativity. With the element water, Svadhisthana invites us to explore flow and fluidity.
We experience emotion through our body, we feel through our body. Our bodies respond and communicate our pleasure, joy, and emotion. All of this is processed through our Sacral Chakra.
Many things can cause our Sacral Chakra to become unbalanced. Repressed sexual emotion, lacking of creative outlets or expression, sexual trauma and drug/substance abuse can all have a great impact on the energy center of Svadhishthana.
When our Sacral Chakra is out of balance we experience things like:
Guilt and shame
Sexual disfunction
Chronic lower back pain
Hold unprocessed anger/pain
When in balance we experience:
Connected to pleasure
Healthy relationships
Sexual expression
How to balance your Sacral Chakra:
There are a number of ways that you can work to bring balance to Svadhishthana. You can participate in a variety of therapies: psychological, somatic, or sound.
Healing Stones: Carnelian, amber, moonstone, sunstone, orange tourmaline
Essential oils: lemon, patchouli, rosewood, sandalwood, ylang ylang
You can meditate.
You can use affirmations:
I flow with life
I embrace pleasure
I accept my body
I am open
The best way to find balance and grounding with Sacral is through movement and action.
Some of the best Yoga poses for activating Svadhishthana:
Happy baby
Downward facing dog
Other action-oriented ways of grounding and bringing balance to Muladhara:
Connect to water
Dance or another fluid body movement
Creative expression (writing, painting, drawing, singing)

Our bodies are made up of 7 powerful energy centers called Chakras. The chakra system starts at the base of our spine and moves up toward the crown of our head. In Sanskrit, chakra means ‘wheel’ or ‘disc’. The spiraling vortex of energy in each chakra center corresponds to different organs, functions of the body, or emotions. When our chakras are ‘open’ the energy can move freely but if an energy system is disrupted, it becomes ‘blocked’ and we suffer disease. The energy of your chakras influences your mindset, behavior, and wellbeing. You can help bring the energy of these powerful meridians into alignment through practical action.